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No Filter and Other Lies by Crystal Maldonado

No Filter and Other Lies by Crystal Maldonado

Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Seventeen-year-old Kat Sanchez uses photos of a friend to create a fake Instagram account, but when one of her posts goes viral and exposes Kat's duplicity, her entire world--both real and pretend--comes crashing down around her. Twenty one-year-old Max Monroe has it all: beauty, friends, tons of followers on Instagram. Except it's all fake. Max is actually 17-year-old Kat Sanchez, a quiet and sarcastic, bisexual Puerto Rican teenager living in Bakersfield, California.

Crystal Maldonado is fantastic at character development and storytelling. The pacing is a little slow in this one, but I didn't mind. I saw a lot of myself in Kat's character and it warmed my heart to see her gain confidence throughout the book - even if it was through a fake Instagram page. 

- Emily


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